Friday 27 May 2011

May 26 - Back in Action

This morning we received a wonderful announcement from the captain. The water main break was not as bad as originally thought and because the break had stopped all clean water flow to the city of Freetown it was a high priority and they were able to fix the break! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers! I am washing a load of laundry as we speak so that I will be all set for the weekend!
Another day working hard in opthamology!

Today in the OR we did 7 more cases. I talked to a patient named Matthew while we were waiting for his local anesthetic to set in. He is a taxi driver and was very proud to tell me that he owned his own car! Matthew has pterygium in both eyes which makes it very difficult for him to see. The surgery that we did today will allow Matthew to continue to work as a taxi driver and provide for himself.
Talking with Matthew
Anilee putting her feet up for a moment to rest!

Anilee with Matthew and Maime (one of our day volunteers who is in her last year of nursing school and is helping us out in the OR with translation)
After work we sat by the pool for an hour to soak in the last rays of the afternoon. I am posting a picture of the garbage collection that I told you about before. This shows you why we have to be so careful about what we throw out in the trash!

Going through the garbage... all the blue bags are from the OR... SickKids people will know that Mayo stand covers make great garbage bags. Here nothing is wasted! Everything has more than 1 use!

Here is the picture of Anne Marie that I promised. This is after successful cataract surgery. Maime our day volunteer is to the right of me


  1. Hi, Karin
    So glad you have the water back on board; love your pictures; you are doing a wonderful job with all your volunteers and cause a lot of people to have a happy life again. Love from Mama and Papa; will miss you at the "Bullfrog"

  2. YAH! Kept checking for a new post! Looks awesome, thanks for the pictures! Love ya!
